Monday, December 20, 2010

tag dari Cik Cuada

sedang aku jenguk2 kat bLog Cik Cuada ni..
aku baca la entry dy yg bertajuk Tag dari FAWA..
dy kata "haa to all yg singgah blog la tahzan ni,aku tag kt korang,selamat menjawab ye"
nak taknak aku kena jawab laa, yg mana patut je la eak...


1. real name Muhamad Azri Hafizi B. Mohd Zanuri
2. nickname : Feezy @ Arel
3. zodiac sign : Scorpio
4. male or femaleMale
5. elementary school Sk Methodist, SRA Kg. Raja Uda,Pk
6. highschool : SMK Raja Lumu,Pk, SMT Selangor, Sg Buloh
7. college Politeknik Premier Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, PSA
Diploma Kejuruteran Elektonik Kawalan
8. hair colour : kuning+oren+putih+hitam pekat=hitam
9. tall or shorttall vs short (tak tau la)
10. sweat or jeans : jeans almost
11. phone or camera : adict with camera! like3
12. health freak : Alhamdulillah takde penyakit!
13. orange or apple : apple sgt sedap!
14: do you have a crush on someone : mungkin laa 
15. eat or drink : sgt suka makan, takde air tecekik pulak.. so saling bergantungan!
16. pierchings : NTAH!
17. pepsi or cokepepsicoke.. jenama baru J

have u ever
been in airplanemaybe one day!
been in a relationship : Love make me crazy!! My truth love is Allah
been in car accident : Nauzubillah..
been in fist fight : hate fight,, love freedom

first and last
first household chores : ..
first best friend : ..
first award : ..
first word : mak
first section..
last person u talk in fon : fon rosak.. tak dengar pape!
last person u text : membe kat oxford..cewahh
last food u ate : masak lemak ketam, wow..
last movie u watch : kau yang bodoh (ade ke?)
last song u listen toDadali-disaat aku mencintaimu
last thing u boughtmakan
last person u tag  ..

food : nc Ayam!
drinkHorlicks, Milo Tabo..
flowersBunga Raya Bunga Kebangsaan…lalala
animal : dinasour
colour : blue, orange, purple
movie : lagenda budak baik
subjectlove story jawa,haha

[put an 'x' in the brackets if yes[ ]
celebrate halloween [/]
had ur heart broken [x]
had someone questions my sexual orientation [/]
got pregnant [/]
had an abortion [/]
did something i regret [/]
broken a promise [x]
hide a secret [x]
pretend to be happy [x]
met someone who change ur life [x]
pretend to be sick [/]
left the country [/]
try something u normally would not try and like it [x]
cried over the silliest thing [x]
when to the beach with ur bestfriend [x]
got into an argument with your bestfriend [x]
hate someone [/]
single for a whole year [x]

eating pe yg ade depan mata
drink : air kosongg
listen tobebelan mak dan ayah :p
sitting or lying flying
plan for today : sleep
waiting : my wife

your future
wants kid 2 person only.. tak payah ramai2,,
want to get married : calon pon takde ag.. cane2?

which is more attractive
lips or eyesears
shorter or tallershorter
romantic or spontaneous : spontaneous
nice stomach or nice arm nice arm
hook up or relationship:p
looks or personalitypersonality .

have u ever
lost glasses or contacts!!
snick out of a house!!
held a gun or knife for a defense : meriam, tapi da kena rampas.. lde kat museum
kill somebody : jgn.. nyamuk slalu laa...darah2 sampai
broken somebody heart :pernah kowt
been in love : L
cried when someone died : ..

do u believe in
yourself :iyup
miracles : yeahh
love at first sight : dr mta ke hati ,,terbaik
heaven : sememngnya
santa clausorg tua boncit ni nak tipu org je kejanya..hohoho
superstition : -
kiss on the first datehaa

is there one person u want to be with right now takde sape..
do u know what ur real friends are ? belom jumpa lagi!
do u believe in godAllah I Love U

post at 100% truth ? : 99% truth, another 1% tu mencarot mengarot

thank baca..

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